Thursday, October 11, 2012

Analysis of the expert mode witch doctor with a shield or hands

The first part: Calculated

First, the overall damage reduction formula:

Overall damage reduction% = 100 * [1 - (1 - Armor damage reduction%) * (1 - resistance damage reduction%) * (1 - dodge damage reduction%) * (1 - Block damage reduction%) * ( - Additional damage reduction%) .....]

Second, the shield gains

1, all kinds of relief after the damage to the X Shield harm reduction = Y, dodge rate a parry rate b, block value (3706 +4706) = 4206


Y = [b * (X-4206)] + (1-b) * X

Y = bX-4206b +1 X-bX

Y = bX-4206b

To Block take the highest value of 28%, then:

Y1 = 0.28X-1178

Block rate take the minimum value of 10%, then:

Y2 = 0.10X-421

2, set into damage reduction formula:

Let 3000 protection (50% reduction) 300 anti-attack (50% reduction) 100 Agility (10% dodge) A1 monster level (40k damage) additional less injuries (the jungle 20 percent)

If there is no shield: harm reduction% = 100 * [1 - (1-50%) * (1-50) * (1-10%) * (1 - Block damage reduction%) * (1-30%) .....]

= 1-18%

= 82%

: 82% damage reduction, reducing the harm of 32800. Subject to the 7200 injury.

If the belt 28% Shield: Y1 = 0.28 * 7200-1178 = 838, to reduce the 33638 damage

Ie: 84.09% damage reduction, Block 2.09% total damage reduction

With 10% shield: Y1 = 0.1 * 7200-421 = 299, a decrease of 33,099 of damage

Ie: 82.75% damage reduction, Block 0.75% total damage reduction

Damage reduction formula to achieve the 28% damage reduction shield effect, you need to upgrade the 1800 Armor or 180 anti attack or 500 agility.

10% shield damage reduction effect, you need about 400 armor or 40 full-attack anti or 140 agility.

7000 A set (70% reduction) 700 anti-attack (70% reduction) Agility 100 (10% dodge) A3 monster level (120k damage) additional damage reduction (jungle 20%)

If there is no shield: harm reduction% = 100 * [1 - (1-70%) * (1-70) * (1-10%) * (1 - Block damage reduction%) * (1-30%) .....]

= 1-6.48%

= 93.52%

: 93.52% damage reduction, reducing 112224 damage. Subject to the 7776 injury.

With 28% shield: Y1 = 0.28 * 7776-1178 = 999, reducing 33,638 damage

Ie: 94.35% damage reduction, Block 0.83% total damage reduction

With 10% Shield: Y1 = 0.1 * 7776-421 = 357 to reduce the 112,581 damage

Ie: 93.81% damage reduction, Block 0.29% total damage reduction

Damage reduction formula to achieve the 28% damage reduction shield effect, you need about upgrade 800 full anti-armor or 80 or 28 agility.

10% shield damage reduction effect, you need about to improve 300 armor or 30 anti or 10 Agility.

Part II: Conclusion

1, the equipment the better, the worse the shield effect. Of course, no shields, 7000 A bit difficult to witch doctors want to reach.

, Went to get his hands Farm A1 may be appropriate heap Agility.

Part III: strange feeling

Block total damage reduction was 2.09%, and then I came to a life +3% bad? Do not imitate experiment ... OR ELSE!