Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guild Wars 2


    Colin Johanson von ArenaNet war in der Sendung MMOFTW von mmorpg.com zu Gast und ging auf die kommenden Neuigkeiten für Guild Wars 2 ein. Wer das Livestream-Event in der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag verpasste, kann sich nachtr?glich den Mitschnitt anschauen.

    Die Themen die der Game Director behandelt reichen vom angekündigten AoE-Nerf über die Klassenbalance bis hin zum Culling-Problem auf den WvW-Karten und bei gro? angelegten Events. Wer sich also den vergangenen Webcast von ArenaNet angeschaut und den Blogbeitrag von Colin Johanson durchgelesen hat, wird nicht mehr sehr viel Neues erfahren.

    Ein Thema ist natürlich die für den Januar-Patch angekündigte Gast-Funktion. Dadurch darf man in Zukunft t?glich zwei andere Welten mit einigen Einschr?nkungen besuchen. Der Wehrmutstropfen: Die kostenlosen Weltentransfers werden abgeschafft. Ein Transfer auf eine neue Heimatwelt kostet in Zukunft Edelsteine. Und was ist mit einer vernünftigen Gruppensuche-Funktion im Spiel? An einer im Spiel implementierten LFG-Funktion wird gearbeitet. guild wars 2 gold

   Bekanntlich kommen neue Errungenschaften, bei denen wir uns fortan Lorbeeren verdienen. Zun?chst werden die t?glichen und monatlichen Erfolge angepasst. Anpassungen gibt es auch für Orr. Dort werden neue Events eingefügt, Mob-Spawns und Wegpunkte überarbeitet. Aber generell soll sich in den bereits vorhandenen Gebieten Neues ergeben und neue Beute dazu kommen, damit die Spieler Lust darauf haben, sich alles anzuschauen.

   ArenaNet kündigte bereits Anpassungen an den Fl?chensch?den (AoE-Nerf) an. Der AoE-Schaden soll abgeschw?cht werden, zumindest was die Auswirkung auf einzelne Ziele betrifft, und dafür aber andere Angriffe auf einzelne Ziele verbessert werden. Generell werden noch einmal die Klassen und Waffengattungen unter die Lupe genommen und angepasst, um die richtige Balance zu finden.

   Auch am sogenannten Culling-Problem (Ladeprobleme, unsichtbare Charaktermodelle) auf den WvW-Karten und bei gro?en Events wird gearbeitet. Fortan wird die Aufl?sung der Charaktermodelle heruntergeschraubt. Das sieht zwar nicht sch?n aus, aber es ist erst einmal eine Zwischenl?sung. Gro?e Events wie das Karka-Event "Die Verlorene Küste" im November finden, bis das Problem bereinigt ist, nicht statt. Um beim WvW zu bleiben: Die Kommander erhalten neue Befehle und es kommen neue Ereignisse dazu. Colin Johanson merkt an, dass die Aufteilung in kleinere Gruppen die beste Taktik ist. Neue Titel und Erfolge sind ebenfalls geplant.  buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

   Ansonsten ?u?erte sich Colin Johanson noch zu weiteren Themen wie etwa Neuigkeiten für die Gilden. Für die Gilden kommen spezielle Missionen und Erfolge. Und was ist mit Gildenhallen? ArenaNet hat den Wunsch der Spieler nicht vergessen, aber so schnell dürfen wir mit der Ankunft von Gildenhallen nicht rechnen.

   Weitere Details k?nnt ihr dem Mittschnitt entnehmen. In der Sendung war nicht nur Guild Wars 2 ein Thema, unter anderem gibt es auch Ausschnitte zu Wildstar und anderen MMORPGs. Der Beitrag zu Guild Wars 2 beginnt ungef?hr bei Minute 18. Leider ist die Ton-Synchronisation etwas verzerrt.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Where Guild Wars 2 goes wrong


I'm not going to lie to you, people: Guild Wars 2 is a darn good game.

Hard-hitting truths, I know. The game won our 2012 Game of the Year award for good reason. There's a lot to praise within that package, from the art direction to the game mechanics to the flexibility. Many parts of it push the design paradigm in interesting ways and could lead to a much better understanding of what can be done with online games.

And then there are places where the paradigm pushes back.

I come here not to praise Guild Wars 2 but to look at the game after the honeymoon has ended and we've all had a chance to settle down. It deserves its status as the best game released this year, but man there are some places where the game is an irritating piece of work. And there are lessons to be found here both for future development on the game and for anyone thinking that it's a gold standard.

Roles are horribly under explained and unclear(2)   buy or sell GW2 items

Some people have a major issue with the trinity set up in games. I don't, but I can understand why some people do. Guild Wars 2 took on the trinity in a manner reminiscent of a man discussing his ex-wife. It seemed at times that you literally could not read a single promo piece from the company without at least one or two mentions about the game not having a traditional trinity set up.

That's fine. If you want to yank out one of the fundamental engines that people assume MMOs are built upon, points for you. But those points are immediately lost when you decide not to tell anyone how your replacement works.

Digging around on Arena Net's site, I can't find a single discussion of how the game actually intends to break down roles. The closest I can find is an old installment of our weekly GW2 column, Flame seeker Chronicles, talking about something entirely different. There's certainly nothing explaining exactly what you're supposed to be trying to build for or look for when crafting your character.

Is this an issue? I'm not the only person to find that the game's actual group dungeons lack much in the way of structure, and group combat feels more like a mess of people trying to overwhelm events and enemies with numbers instead of finesse. And there's literally nothing in place meant to imply what you're supposed to be doing -- trait lines enhance stats, which suggests one play style, but sometimes the abilities offered by that trait line don't suggest a similar style.  buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

There's nothing to answer the question of "what in the world should I do with my character?" The game and the website alike provide nothing in the way of guidance. And the tired old chestnut of "what do you want to do?" doesn't help in this situation because there are clearly right and wrong ways to play. What weapons work well with a venom build? Which healing skills fit better here? Should I go down one trait line or another if I want to focus on damage?

It's not the lack of a trinity that causes these problems; it's the fact that all of this works just fine in the minds of the developers but doesn't ever get explained to players. And not only is this a problem in and of itself, it also leads to some major issues with the game's group dynamics as a whole. Groups are frequently beyond messy; there's no clear way to understand how someone else's character is supposed to work and formulate a strategy based on that.

In short, the whole thing would almost have worked better with a trinity set up. If the game had, for example, allowed any class to perform any role or given each member of a party a role and granted abilities accordingly, that might have accomplished the net goal (not shackling players to having a tank and healer) without the current issue. But even if the designers just take the time and effort to explain how they want the game to work now, that would be an improvement.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Year’s Biggest Gaming PR Gaffes

     I enjoyed this article just posted on Inc Gamers, about the year’s biggest PR snafus in the gaming industry. As you can imagine, a certain Diablo 3 game director makes an appearance. That was certainly a juicy week or two of drama, but since I was a part of that as it happened, I found the other stories in the article more interesting.

    There are Hit man Absolution fan insults, a Borderlands 2 “girlfriend” mode, and the debacle of a non-launch that was War Z. Quote:

    Then, on 17 December [War Z] appeared on Steam. It was accompanied by a features list that bore little resemblance to reality, and included several items (such as private servers) that were not even implemented in the game. Nowhere on the title’s sales page did Hammer point give even the slightest hint that The War Z was still very much in beta.

    On 18 December the features list was altered to somewhat (though not entirely) fall in line with reality, but on 19 December Steam pulled the game from sale and offered full refunds to any dissatisfied players.

    In between those two dates, Sergey Titov put out a disgraceful non-apology (on a thread that no longer exists on the War Z forums) in which he said he was sorry if anybody had “misread” the Steam features list full of outright falsehoods and that the list was open to “multiple interpretations.” It was not. It was open to one interpretation, which was “many of these features are not present in the game that is being sold to me.”buy and sell dofus kamas

    I don’t know that the Video Game industry is the hardest/worst PR field in the world, but it’s got to be up there. Hugely competitive, very fast-paced, lots of overlap in products and audience, high fan expectations and demands, and haters galore. Given all that it might be a surprise that we don’t see more such blowups.buy RS/Runescape Gold